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How to Create an Emergency Self-Care Kit

Writer's picture: Kirsten WeinzierlKirsten Weinzierl

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

You've had a pretty rough day. In fact, your day was so rough it felt like you went through a zombie apocalypse. Good thing you got your emergency self-care kit to rely on. Oh wait, you don't have one of those? Well let's create one so you are fully prepared for the next apocalyptic day when you'll really need one.

Why is Self Care Important?

I know as a mom, wife and business owner it's easy to forget to take care of myself regularly. But I definitely notice if I don't practice self-care.

I get irritable. My moods are unpredictable. And I become easily overwhelmed.

In fact, it's more difficult for me to take care of others if I don't take care of myself first. My depression also likes to be sneaky and creep in during times when I'm not doing self-care. So practicing this regularly is a must!

If you need some awesome self-care ideas to help fight depression, check out this post.

How to Create Your Own Emergency Self-Care Kit

Disappointing days can happen. They drain you of any energy, affect your mood, shake your self-worth and make you feel overwhelmed. Days like this are pretty tough and they can send you down a pretty dark path if you don't take care of yourself quickly.

To help prepare for days like this, you should build an emergency self-care kit. A self-care emergency kit is a personalized box of fun things to use to pamper yourself. Make a girls night of it by inviting a few girls over so you can each create one and help contribute to their self-care kit as well. Of course, if you would rather do it alone, that's totally fine.

Step 1 - Find a Box or Basket

The first task that needs to be done is to find a box or lovely basket to put things in. Below is a great example of what to use.

Step 2 - Choose Your Self Care Items

Now, this is the fun part. There isn't a set rule on how much of or exactly what you should have. It's all based on your personality, your needs and wants. And you don't have to limit yourself to just one self-care kit, you can make yourself multiple ones for different occasions. Like one for depression days, one for anxiety days, one for "that time of the month" days, etc.

Here are some ideas of what to put in a self-care kit.

Your Favorite Candle

I just love a great smelling candle. And what a perfect way to lift your mood through senses.

I went to a Spiritual Expo recently and found the most AMAZING candles!! The owner makes her candles with love and intention. Her candles are also created during different moon phases and each candle has it's own purpose. Each candle comes with its own instructions. Check out these Charmed Custom Candles and get your own!

Weighted Blanket

These weighted blankets help you sleep better and reduce anxiety. They are amazingly comfortable and soothing.

If you suffer from high anxiety (and who doesn't these days), definitely check this out! Please make sure to find the right weighted blanket for your size. There are blankets that come in different weights, 12, 15, 20 pounds, etc. The recommendation is dependent on your own weight. And there are usually multiple color options to choose from.


I just love a good lotion. When a lotion smells amazing and leaves my skin feel soft, it's an immediate mood boost. I like to have a few different smelling lotions on hand to change things up. But I make sure that my lotions are as natural as possible and free from harmful chemicals that can absorb into our skin and cause a whole plethora of issues. I also personally suffer from eczema from time to time so a good lotion that supports this issue is important to me.

Sugar Scrub

I recently started using a sugar scrub in my showers and it's been life changing! This stuff exfoliates and leaves my skin super soft and silky. I always feel like a million bucks after using this stuff. Plus it smells amazing! This brand has several different scents, including fragrance free, for those sensitive folks, that will suit whatever your preference is.

Pictures of Things You Love

This can be a great reminder of the love you have in your life. These can be pictures of family, friends, your pets, your favorite coffee shop, favorite destination/travel pics, or even memes or quotes that make you smile and reminisce. I even like to print out pictures of things that I'm trying to attract into my life - like a house, living room design, etc. Create your own visual collection of happy!


A journal is a must to get out all those negative thoughts and emotions that come along with having a craptastic day. I have to admit, I'm kind of a journal collector. So I love all the different kinds of journals and planners. But for this purpose specifically, I like something I can write in easily while sitting.

Calming Sounds

When I feel frazzled and overwhelmed I love listening to calming sounds like Rainymood. Thunderstorms are my favorite and listening to the sound of rain and thunder is super soothing and calming to me. Another great way to help boost your mood is to listen to Uplifting Songs (here's one of my favorite playlists) on Spotify.

Favorite Treat

While I definitely don't recommend turning to food to deal with your emotions it is nice to treat yourself for some instant satisfaction. I love Dove Mint Swirls and make sure I don't over-indulge.


There is nothing like my favorite, soft, oversized sweatshirt to help comfort me when I'm in a less than stellar mood.

Uplifting Phrases

Using positive affirmations can seriously help drown out the negativity of the bad day you've experienced. These affirmations help remind me that I am awesome and I am loved.

*Bonus - If you are creating this kit with your best girls have them write down 2-3 things they love about you on index cards and put them in your kit. These are especially awesome because they come from someone who loves you and looks at you in a positive way.

Soothing Tea

I just love a good hot, soothing, and relaxing tea to help calm my nerves. Drinking this while listening to those calming sounds by a fireplace or your favorite "getaway" spot in the house is just the trick to help re-center your mindset.

Step 3 - Find a Place for Your Emergency Self-Care Kit

Find a good storage spot for your self-care kit. A spot that is easy for you to access if you need it quickly. You can also let someone else know about this kit so if they see that you are having a pretty rough day and need it they can get the kit for you.


Having a bad day doesn't have to mean a mental breakdown. There are days when you may feel really depressed or days when your anxiety is so out of control it can be debilitating. Keeping an emergency self-care kit handy can help you feel a lot better and help get you through those apocalyptic days. Especially when it's filled with lots of things that help you find your bliss.

What is the one must-have item you'd have in your emergency self-care kit? Share in the comments below.

Need more ideas to put in your arsenal of Self-Care? Check out the Self Care Guide for Depression. Even if you don't have depression, this guide will help keep you on track mentally. Sign up for the free guide below.

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